
Growing in Grace

All are welcome here.

Seville Presbyterian Church is a warm family of faith Loving kindness, seeking justice and walking humbly with God. (Micah 6:8)   Our life together is guided by our long and rich history of being welcoming to newcomers. We believe in miracles, always seeking to follow Jesus Christ’s command “to love God with all your heart, with all your strength,  and with all your mind  and to love your neighbor as yourself”: (Matthew 22:37, 39).


Get in touch

If you want to learn more about SPC, participating in worship, joining our community groups or meeting our pastor, please be in touch!

(330) 769-3738| 1SevillePC@gmail.com
101 Center Street, Seville, Ohio 44273

Our Mission Statement


Seville Presbyterian Church is a warm family of Faith wishing to bring all walks of life together through Jesus. Our life together is guided by a long history of being welcoming to newcomers. God made us all and you are welcomed as you are. Our mission extends beyond Sundays with support groups hosting weekly meetings and Scouts of America sharing our building. We collaborate with other area centers of worship in support of the Matthew 25 Coalition, https://matthew25coalition.wordpress.com/, helping to ease the strains of poverty and hunger within our community. Music moves the soul and our congregation is blessed with a music department with talented directors that encourage open participation. With a blossoming Christian Education program for children, a sponsored youth group for young adults and the support of intergenerational activities among our church family our mission of growth along the path of our Savior continues.

Seville Presbyterian Church